4 thoughts on “Sam Cooke shot to death in seedy L.A. motel”

  1. I grew up listening and mimicking Sam Cooke. I’m 56 and still mimick his singing talent to date. I will always be a fan for as long as I live. No matter what the cause of his death. He was an inspiration to me as a young boy growing up. God knows the truth and holds the final judgement in all things. Now Bobby Womack a long-time friend or fo is also gone. Oh how time flies.

  2. I just want to say that this printed story infuriates me! I am convinced “Little Baby Doll” Lisa the chinese whore had a little business goin on with the big broad who ran the “Seedy Motel” Im sure the prositude Lisa brought Sam Cooke to the motel as a John and planned to rip him off and when he wasnt going to go away which probably most johns did when these 2 women ripped them off, when he came after her for his clothes & money these two lowlife women shot and killed him. The story they MADE UP is such A CROCK OF SHIT! If he kidnapped her he would not let her go in bathroom or vice versa he would not of gone in bathroom. SUCH CRAP! those bitches should have been prosecuted! what a bunch of KEYSTONE COPS in L.A. at that time!!!

  3. I was 8 years old when I heard on the radio that singer Sam Cooke had been shot and killed. It’s obvious that things didn’t go down as was told Bertha franklins photo if it was taken after the assault and shooting hair did not look to be in any kind of disarray as having been in a life are death struggle. Sam cookes body is propped up.and at what point did Lisa Boyer partying become a kidnapping

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